If you buy USED video games, you can save a significant amount of money. The key though is patience. If you wait until the games are at least a year old after their release, and used, you will save more than just buying used games shortly after they are released. Some used game resellers only mark used copies down by $5 over new prices, just after the game is released. So waiting a year will give you a bigger discount on your used game purchase, than just buying a newly released used game.
Many times, I have purchased used games for less than the cost of a rental, then later, after I had beaten the game, and determined that I would probably never play it again, sold it for the same or more than I had paid for it, getting it for free or for a profit!
Buying this way isn't without controversy, though, it is perfectly legal. It does completely cut the game developers out of any profits on the game they made. But in the case of some people, who do not have much of any extra income, this is the only way they can afford to buy games legally. So, if you have a favorite developer, that you want to support, you may want to purchase directly from their website, if you can.
Game developers are also working to make used game sales less viable by adding downloadable content that you can only get by purchasing new copies of their games, but you can still get around paying full price in cases like this most of the time. Patience is key here too. Usually, after about a year, if the game was at all popular, it will be re-released as a special priced edition, of some sort, at a significant discount, and many times include the downloadable content for the discounted price!
Now some links for you to buy and sell your used games;
It will take a bit of searching to find the best prices, as used game prices vary wildly, but the money you save will make it well worth it!